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Aesthetic Filling | KG Dental Dentistry and Implant Centre

tooth fillings


The field of application of aesthetic fillings is extremely comprehensive. They are suitable for the following treatments:
  • aesthetic correction of discolored surfaces
  • correction of minor enamel defects
  • filling the holes in the front teeth, small and large molars in case of caries

The wide range of shades allows for the creation of a perfect tooth color, as different shades are layered into the cavity. The bottom layer resembles the color of dentin, followed by gradually more transparent layers. The top layer is made of a material that mimics the translucency of enamel. This layered filling enables the creation of a filling that harmonizes with the color of the tooth.

How Aesthetic Fillings Are Made at KG Dental Clinic

The preparation of aesthetic fillings is a fast and painless procedure, consisting of the following steps:
  • The procedure always takes place under local anesthesia, ensuring it is painless.
  • Before administering the anesthetic with a syringe, the dentist numbs the area around the tooth with an anesthetic gel. This makes the injection of the anesthetic completely painless, and from this point on, you won’t feel anything.
  • Decay is removed using a special drill.
  • After preparing the cavity, the appropriate tooth color that harmonizes with your teeth is determined.
  • The enamel is conditioned with a special gel-like substance. The purpose of conditioning is to increase the surface for the filling material to adhere.
  • The conditioned area is treated with Bond material. Bond is a special adhesive that attaches the filling material to the tooth tissue.
  • The Bond material is illuminated with a polymerization lamp, which is essential for the material to set.
  • The filling is then placed in the cavity. This is done layer by layer with the appropriate colored material. Each layer is individually illuminated and solidified.
  • The anatomical shape of the tooth, edges, and fissures are then sculpted.

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